
1-day convention NVVGP

(For English, scroll down)

Je bent wat je eet-you are what you eat!

Waarde  collega’s,


Zaterdag 12 october 2024 van  13 uur tot 22 uur vind onze jaarlijkse nascholingsdag plaats in het Van der Valk exclusive in Apeldoorn.

Nadere informatie over de sprekers en het programma zal t.z.t. hier te vinden zijn, wel kunnen wij al onze lijst met sprekers bekend maken:

Astrid Bienert uit Duitsland, Anneke Hallebeek, Sanne Kosterman, Theo van Delft, Marco van Schie en Patty Stuyver.

Ook zal de industrie weer aanwezig zijn: PZ Technik, Pimbury, HDE, Terafloat/Vet-Design, MX Podoblock, EEDC.

Bij vragen kunnen jullie mailen naar

Dear colleagues,

Our yearly one-day congres will take place 12th october in Apeldoorn, at the Van der Valk exclusive, from 1p.m till 10 p.m.

The programme will be available soon, stay tuned to this page. We can reveal though that Astrid Bienert from Germany, Anneke Hallebeek, Sanne Kosterman, Theo van Delft, Marco van Schie and Patty Stuyver will join us.

For questions mail me at

Registration MEMBERS:

Registration NON MEMBERS NVVGP with this link

Prices for non-members: Early Bird till 1st august 2024 €195, after that € 215

Prices for members of NVVGP, IGFP, IAED, EDPA:

Early bird booking till 1st august 2024: €135, after that € 155

Vetenary students: € 70

Members of industry: € 100

The conference is accredited with the IAED and the dutch veterinairy board.

The venue will be the beautiful  Van der Valk Exclusive hotel in Apeldoorn. Landgoedlaan 26, 7325 AW Apeldoorn

The conference language will be English.

Throughout theday our industry will be there where you can find everything you need. So far PZ Technik, HDE, Pimbury, Terafloat/Vet-Design, EEDC and MX Podoblock will be joining us.

The conference will start at 11.30 a.m and end with a drink at 9.30 p.m. The package includes tea and coffee, snacks and dinner.



If you want to join as a trader or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: